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Holter Heart Rhythm Monitoring Clinic in Mashhad

You are all familiar with ECG. If a doctor takes an ECG from you for 24 hours, it is called a heart rhythm monitoring holter. In other words, Holter heart rate monitoring is exactly the same as an ECG, except that it records your heart rate for 24 hours a day. Therefore, since the time it takes to record information in a heart rate monitoring holter is much longer than an ECG, the information it provides to the physician about a patient’s heart is also much longer than an ECG. This allows the doctor to detect abnormal heart rhythms, chest pain, ischemia, or decreased blood flow to the left ventricular muscle.

Also known as a heart rate monitor, it helps your doctor monitor your heart overnight and during various activities, and link the patient to a heart problem with symptoms such as dizziness and palpitations. Find. In the past, however, due to the lack of advanced equipment and careful monitoring, the physician could not diagnose the disease well and accurately. Although an ECG has helped save many patients so far, it only records your heart rate in less than a minute. Now, with more advanced devices such as Holter heart rhythm monitoring, a person’s heart condition is recorded overnight and monitored by a doctor.

At the Cardiography Clinic, physicians and specialists use a Holter heart rhythm monitoring device to monitor the condition of individuals and heart patients. Doctors and specialists at the Cardiography Clinic are able to analyze the activity of the heart and prepare a complete report for the cardiologist using the latest technologies and the provision of modern analyzing devices and software.

Why use a Holter monitoring device?

There are several reasons why a doctor may prescribe this device for a person. Some of the most important reasons are to evaluate for chest pain in cases where the cause is not known in the exercise test, to evaluate the signs and symptoms that may be related to heart disorders, such as: fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting, to detect irregular heartbeat Heart or heartbeat, assess the risk of future heart disorders related to specific conditions, such as thickening of the heart wall due to genetic and underlying diseases, assess the condition of the heart after a heart attack that causes weakness in the left side of the heart, assess device function A pacemaker, or heartbeat device, and ultimately to evaluate the success of cardiac arrhythmia treatment.

However, your doctor may decide for other reasons that a patient should use a heart rhythm holter. Therefore, there are other reasons for using this device, which is at the discretion of the doctor.

What is the Holter monitoring process like?

First of all, the patient’s chest is disinfected and cleaned with alcohol; The device’s electrodes are then mounted on the chest. After this step, the electrodes are connected by wires to a small, portable heart rate monitor.

The ECG recorder is placed in the lumbar region and fixed there. Sometimes the device may be hung from the neck or shoulders using a special necklace. This is all that is done to the patient in the clinic or heart clinic. The whole installation process takes 10 to 15 minutes. After that, everything is the responsibility of the patient. Of course, there is no need to do anything special; The only limitation is that the patient does not take a bath during these 24 hours so as not to damage the device. All the patient has to do is do his daily activities. Exactly the same things he did in the previous days. During the day, the device records all the information about specific symptoms such as heart rate fluctuations, discomfort and chest pain, dizziness about the heart.

After a full day, ie 24 hours, the person must return to the clinic or clinic to remove the device from his body. It takes a few minutes to disassemble the device. There, after the device is disconnected, its information is extracted and a summary of the ECG is printed on paper. This information will be provided to your doctor so that the treatment process can begin if there are any problems.

If you live in Mashhad or are in this city, we suggest you visit the cardiologist clinic. The Cardiography Clinic, with its Holter Rhythm Monitoring Clinic, takes good care of the patients so that, if necessary, the necessary and appropriate cardiac treatments can be performed on them. Sometimes the clinic provides preventive services to patients.

Cardiologist, keep your health

Cardiograph Negar Clinic with a full team of specialists and fellowships in cardiology and advanced cardiac equipment is one of the best heart centers in Mashhad to all those who are concerned about the health of their heart and family can be in the shortest possible time and with access Easy to use its services
Cardiography clinic equipped with different departments including exercise testing clinic, ECG holter and blood pressure holter, three-dimensional echocardiographic stress echocardiography, cardiac nuclear scan, heart rehabilitation department, specialized and subspecialty cardiovascular clinics, endocrine consultations , Lung, digestion and nutrition and psychology.

We are the mother of Negarzamin Heart Clinic. We guarantee your health. Contact us for more information


Be in the flow of your heart

Address: Iran, Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad, Vakilabad Boulevard, between 47 and 49 Vakilabad


All rights reserved for Cardiologist Clinic NEGAR.